
Décoration et technologie se mêlent et engendrent
la merveille des papiers peints Decori & Decori


10,05 x 1,06 m

Close to the Carrara quarries stands the fascinating city of Pietrasanta, the capital of artistic marble processing. Centre of attraction for sculptors from all over the world, it has been transformed, in recent decades, into an open-air museum where you can admire a constantly evolving exhibition of art of the highest level. Taking a cue from these contemporary sculptures we have created our third collection, dedicated to the finest Italian marble that we have taken in authentic slabs, reproducing them faithfully with designs developed in large dimensions. Our interpretation aims to suggest new creative upholstery solutions in interior design with this noble, extremely versatile material. In fact, these marbles are able to give a lot of brightness and touches of originality, thanks to their incredible shades and chromatic veins, creating the illusion of greater spaciousness in the rooms. Carrara 3 wallpapers will cover the surfaces with perfect Made in Italy style, stimulating the mind and imagination to recreate a perfect combination of luxury and modernity.


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