
Decoration and technology get married and give birth to
the magnificence of Decori & Decori wallpapers


10,05 x 1,06 m

The source of inspiration for the creation of the ZEN wallpapers was oriental interior design: a perfect representation of harmony and essentiality.
The desire to give life to serene spaces in the rooms, where you can relax indulging in pleasant sensations, led to the choice of selecting subjects and textures of natural style.
In this collection, the magic of a luxuriant garden of delicate flowers alternates with the mystery of the plays of light and shadow, created by the leafy bamboo branches, the lightness of the festive dances of the Japanese cranes in the sky, ending with the triumph of the spectacular flowering of Cherry trees.
All wallpapers recall the concepts of the ZEN philosophy, which are perfection, authenticity and contemplation and
were created with the utmost care and delicate attention that Eastern thought pays to the balance of nature.


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